Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

Butane speeds past propane as Western motorists shift to winter gasoline; Asia seeks cooking fuel

Global butane prices are racing past propane as motorists in the West transition to winter-grade gasoline, even as Asia’s household consumers buy more butane-heavy LPG for cooking during end-year holidays. Asia’s butane prices jumped to its highest above propane in almost seven months at $14/mt Sept. 25, after butane shifted to a premium on Aug. 8 for the first time… Global butane prices are racing past propane as motorists in the West transition to winter-grade gasoline, even as Asia’s household consumers buy more butane-heavy LPG for cooking during end-year holidays. Asia’s butane prices jumped to its highest above propane in almost seven months at $14/mt Sept. 25, after butane shifted to a premium on Aug. 8 for the first time… Read More 

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