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LAURA INGRAHAM: The Biden administration seems totally comfortable with the decline of the United States

Fox News host Laura Ingraham slammed the Biden administration for bringing Russia and China closer together on “The Ingraham Angle.”

LAURA INGRAHAM: American elites, dedicated globalists they’re directly responsible for making China rich, which gave the CCP the money to build its economy and expand its military and its leverage around the world. Now our establishment is thrilled to use Trump or any other distraction to prevent its own supporters from recognizing the calamity facing the United States under Democrat rule. Over the past two plus years now America has gotten weaker. American families have become poorer, and America’s ability to influence events around the world is collapsing. And the Biden administration seems totally comfortable with the decline of the United States. 


Look, our banking system is failing. Inflation is out of control. The Fed is incompetent. And the Biden administration’s position on China and Russia, it makes no sense. Think about this. We consider Putin the most evil man on Earth, right? Then, President Xi, we heard him today, considers Putin his great friend. And yet the White House keeps saying that they want to work with President Xi on economic issues. This is insane. 

Now, again, the money we give to China with our massive trade deficit is right now being used to prop up the man who President Biden claims should be overthrown. Obviously, I’m talking about Putin. The Biden people confirmed in a new report that Chinese ammo is being used right now by Russia, in Ukraine. Doesn’t that sound like lethal aid to you or does that not count? Now, this is why not a single government on earth takes the Biden administration seriously.

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