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World Obesity Day 2024: Fasting and obesity prevention

4 March 2024, Cairo, Egypt – Today, World Obesity Day 2024, is a chance to highlight the need to talk about obesity and youth. Obesity is a major health issue in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. More than half of women (53%), nearly half of men (45%) and an alarming 8% of school-aged children and adolescents are obese, while 20.5% are overweight.

If no action is taken to address obesity, these figures are expected to rise.

World Obesity Day this year coincides with the holy month of Ramadan. The daily fasting period, from dawn to sunset, offers a structured way to reset one’s relationship with food. It’s a chance to develop healthier habits that can lead to sustainable weight loss and improved well-being.

Evidence suggests that fasting can positively affect health, including by strengthening the digestive system and improving its efficiency. It can also help to adjust fat and sugar levels in the blood, in turn reducing blood pressure and cholesterol and improving heart health.

To maximize the positive effects, fasting should be combined with a healthy diet. It’s important to avoid unhealthy eating habits that negatively affect health and cause several forms of malnutrition, including obesity.

Obesity occurs when the body stores excess fat that may impair health. This complex condition can stem from various factors, such as a high-calorie diet, lack of physical activity, genetics and certain health conditions. Obesity can increase the likelihood of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and some types of cancer. It can also affect mental health, leading to issues

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[[{“value”:”4 March 2024, Cairo, Egypt – Today, World Obesity Day 2024, is a chance to highlight the need to talk about obesity and youth. Obesity is a major health issue in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. More than half of women (53%), nearly half of men (45%) and an alarming 8% of school-aged children and adolescents are obese, while 20.5% are overweight.
If no action is taken to address obesity, these figures are expected to rise.
World Obesity Day this year coincides with the holy month of Ramadan. The daily fasting period, from dawn to sunset, offers a structured way to reset one’s relationship with food. It’s a chance to develop healthier habits that can lead to sustainable weight loss and improved well-being.
Evidence suggests that fasting can positively affect health, including by strengthening the digestive system and improving its efficiency. It can also help to adjust fat and sugar levels in the blood, in turn reducing blood pressure and cholesterol and improving heart health.
To maximize the positive effects, fasting should be combined with a healthy diet. It’s important to avoid unhealthy eating habits that negatively affect health and cause several forms of malnutrition, including obesity.
Obesity occurs when the body stores excess fat that may impair health. This complex condition can stem from various factors, such as a high-calorie diet, lack of physical activity, genetics and certain health conditions. Obesity can increase the likelihood of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and some types of cancer. It can also affect mental health, leading to issues
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