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WHO Regional Director Dr Ahmed Al-Mandhari concludes visit to Lebanon

01 November 2023, Beirut, Lebanon As hostilities escalate on the border between Lebanon and Israel, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Dr Ahmed Al-Mandhari has concluded a visit to Beirut, where he met with the Prime Minister, the Minister of Health, UN partners, and WHO staff to reinforce health system preparedness for a potential escalation of the conflict. Over the past few weeks, hostilities have expanded beyond the border into southern Lebanon, with 42 people killed, 193 injured and almost 29,000 internally displaced since the start of the cross-border conflict.

“An increased spillover of hostilities into southern Lebanon would concerningly place even more civilians at risk of death or injury and potentially threaten the health security of the entire Region. Ultimately, we call for a ceasefire in Gaza, so that further loss and suffering can be prevented. As part of regional preparedness efforts, we are working to ensure that Lebanon’s health system is better prepared to manage the mass casualty and to provide health services to people displaced without compromising existing health services for people living in the area,” Dr Al-Mandhari said.

The health system in Lebanon has been challenged by the ongoing economic crisis and the impact of the Beirut blast of August 2022, and overwhelmed by the increasing burden of Syrian refugees’ needs. Critical shortages of specialized medical doctors and health workers, medicines and medical equipment, and other health supplies have added more layers of complexity to the challenges facing the health system and the health of the

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01 November 2023, Beirut, Lebanon As hostilities escalate on the border between Lebanon and Israel, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Dr Ahmed Al-Mandhari has concluded a visit to Beirut, where he met with the Prime Minister, the Minister of Health, UN partners, and WHO staff to reinforce health system preparedness for a potential escalation of the conflict. Over the past few weeks, hostilities have expanded beyond the border into southern Lebanon, with 42 people killed, 193 injured and almost 29,000 internally displaced since the start of the cross-border conflict.
“An increased spillover of hostilities into southern Lebanon would concerningly place even more civilians at risk of death or injury and potentially threaten the health security of the entire Region. Ultimately, we call for a ceasefire in Gaza, so that further loss and suffering can be prevented. As part of regional preparedness efforts, we are working to ensure that Lebanon’s health system is better prepared to manage the mass casualty and to provide health services to people displaced without compromising existing health services for people living in the area,” Dr Al-Mandhari said.
The health system in Lebanon has been challenged by the ongoing economic crisis and the impact of the Beirut blast of August 2022, and overwhelmed by the increasing burden of Syrian refugees’ needs. Critical shortages of specialized medical doctors and health workers, medicines and medical equipment, and other health supplies have added more layers of complexity to the challenges facing the health system and the health of the
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