Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

US gas production tracks near records as market awaits moderation

Having fully recovered from mid-January freeze-offs, US gas production is back within reach of record levels even as forecasters project output will moderate on the heels of 2023’s decline in drilling activity. Production is up to nearly 104.5 Bcf/d over the last week, not far off from the all-time highs of nearly 105.7 Bcf/d recorded in December, according to data… Having fully recovered from mid-January freeze-offs, US gas production is back within reach of record levels even as forecasters project output will moderate on the heels of 2023’s decline in drilling activity. Production is up to nearly 104.5 Bcf/d over the last week, not far off from the all-time highs of nearly 105.7 Bcf/d recorded in December, according to data… Read More 

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