Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

Ukrainian grid operator GTSOU eyes gas purchases for own needs from March

Ukraine’s state-owned gas grid operator GTSOU is to begin purchasing gas for its own needs on both the Ukrainian Energy Exchange and the Ukrainian electronic tender system Prozorro from March onward, it said Feb. 19. In a statement, GTSOU said it planned to use both markets to buy gas, with volumes set to be higher than in 2023. “GTSOU plans… Ukraine’s state-owned gas grid operator GTSOU is to begin purchasing gas for its own needs on both the Ukrainian Energy Exchange and the Ukrainian electronic tender system Prozorro from March onward, it said Feb. 19. In a statement, GTSOU said it planned to use both markets to buy gas, with volumes set to be higher than in 2023. “GTSOU plans… Read More 

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