Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

Three Qatari LNG carriers await Red Sea transit amid escalating conflict: CAS

LNG market participants are closely watching three laden Qatari LNG carriers, scheduled to enter the Red Sea and the Suez Canal for northbound transits, and any change in their shipping routes amid the escalating conflicting in the region could have major implications for Qatar’s LNG flows to Europe. The three laden LNG carriers, namely the Al Nuaman, Al Ghariya and… LNG market participants are closely watching three laden Qatari LNG carriers, scheduled to enter the Red Sea and the Suez Canal for northbound transits, and any change in their shipping routes amid the escalating conflicting in the region could have major implications for Qatar’s LNG flows to Europe. The three laden LNG carriers, namely the Al Nuaman, Al Ghariya and… Read More 

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