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Texas rancher sends message to Biden: ‘Do something now’ before the cartels ‘come and take it from us’

A Texas ranch owner who has spent thousands of dollars to secure her property from suspected migrant trespassers issued a stern warning to President Biden Friday on the threat posed by cartels.

“[Biden] took an oath to serve and protect and to protect our borders,” Deborah Douglas told “Fox & Friends.” “He has done nothing. He is promoting it, in my opinion. If we do not do something now – and thank God Governor Abbott is doing something now – we all just might as well hand over our keys. Because the cartels going to come and take it from us next.” 

Texas has resumed building a wall along the state’s border with Mexico, after months of negotiations with private property owners. The announcement came after Gov. Greg Abbott appointed the state’s first-ever border czar to address the influx of migrants coming into Texas.


Douglas praised Abbott for standing behind ranchers as she has grown to fear for her family’s safety on her property after multiple attempted break-ins

“We just finished our second stage of securing our ranch,” she said. “We’ve had to spend an additional $13,000 to secure it so that when we are not there, we feel comfortable.”

An Arizona rancher is currently being held on $1 million bond following his arrest in the death of a migrant he shot on his property. 

Fox News Digital confirmed that GoFundMe removed multiple fundraisers set up to help 73-year-old George Alan Kelly, who is facing a first-degree murder charge in the death of a man found shot roughly 100 to 150 yards away from his home. 

“I absolutely think this is disgusting,” Douglas remarked.

Fox News’ Paul Best contributed to this report

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