Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

Siemens investing $510 mil in US electrical equipment manufacturing in 2023

Siemens said Nov. 3 that its overall investment in the US this year will reach $510 million, including investments in a manufacturing plant in Dallas-Fort Worth to help power American datacenters and critical infrastructure, as well as investments in battery plants, semiconductor facilities and electrical vehicle charging. Through a $150 million investment, the Germany-based company’s Fort Worth facility will enable…Siemens said Nov. 3 that its overall investment in the US this year will reach $510 million, including investments in a manufacturing plant in Dallas-Fort Worth to help power American datacenters and critical infrastructure, as well as investments in battery plants, semiconductor facilities and electrical vehicle charging. Through a $150 million investment, the Germany-based company’s Fort Worth facility will enable…  Read More 

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