Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

Shell aims to build on ‘world-class’ Kazakhstan business with new exploration

Shell aims to build on its upstream presence in Kazakhstan with potential new exploration activity given its Kazakh assets are operating to “world class” standard, upstream director Zoe Yujnovich told an industry event in Astana Oct. 4. Speaking at Kazakhstan Energy Week, Yujnovich voiced satisfaction with the two upstream production assets the company has stakes in, the giant Kashagan and…Shell aims to build on its upstream presence in Kazakhstan with potential new exploration activity given its Kazakh assets are operating to “world class” standard, upstream director Zoe Yujnovich told an industry event in Astana Oct. 4. Speaking at Kazakhstan Energy Week, Yujnovich voiced satisfaction with the two upstream production assets the company has stakes in, the giant Kashagan and…  Read More 

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