Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

OPEC launches latest broadside against the IEA over peak oil prediction

OPEC has hit out again at the International Energy Agency, saying its prediction of a peak in fossil fuel demand before 2030 presents a “dangerous” risk to global energy security by stoking calls to end investments in oil and gas projects. In a sharply worded response to IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol’s Sept. 12 op-ed in the Financial Times that… OPEC has hit out again at the International Energy Agency, saying its prediction of a peak in fossil fuel demand before 2030 presents a “dangerous” risk to global energy security by stoking calls to end investments in oil and gas projects. In a sharply worded response to IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol’s Sept. 12 op-ed in the Financial Times that… Read More 

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