Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

NWE LNG prices seen strengthening ahead of summer on rush to inject stocks

European LNG prices could be in contango going into summer, contrary to historical trends, as the market rushes to restock amid heightened geopolitical uncertainty this year. DES Northwest Europe prices have typically been in backwardation entering the summer season. The spread between DES NWE prices for March/April averaged $3.143/MMBtu for 2023, $1.108/MMBtu for 2021 and $0.257/MMBtu for 2020. The obvious… European LNG prices could be in contango going into summer, contrary to historical trends, as the market rushes to restock amid heightened geopolitical uncertainty this year. DES Northwest Europe prices have typically been in backwardation entering the summer season. The spread between DES NWE prices for March/April averaged $3.143/MMBtu for 2023, $1.108/MMBtu for 2021 and $0.257/MMBtu for 2020. The obvious… Read More 

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