HealthWorld NEWS

Meet the heroes powering our emergency response

Episode 4

Dr Nahid Idris Salih Khalid: Officer in Charge, WHO operations hub, Gezira, Sudan5 December 2023  – One ordinary Saturday morning in Khartoum, Sudan, during the holy month of Ramadan, I was suddenly awoken by a deafening sound and the house shaking. From the roof, I saw the formidable sight of a fighter jet flying overhead and heavy smoke rising in the distance. The sound grew louder, more aggressive, horrible. A bombshell landed on my neighbour’s house. Armed conflict had erupted between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing. 

Seeking some sense of security, my niece, 6-year-old grandnephew and I made it to the family home. There, all huddled together in the living room, we lived through the most harrowing 6 days and nights of our lives, with constant bombing and shells dropping nearby. The electricity was cut off and our food and water also ran very low. A bullet missed one of us by mere inches and left a hole in the kitchen wall. These were days of terror and nights of restless sleeplessness. 

This was the house where my siblings and I had all grown up, been married and had families. It was also where our

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Episode 4
Dr Nahid Idris Salih Khalid: Officer in Charge, WHO operations hub, Gezira, Sudan5 December 2023  – One ordinary Saturday morning in Khartoum, Sudan, during the holy month of Ramadan, I was suddenly awoken by a deafening sound and the house shaking. From the roof, I saw the formidable sight of a fighter jet flying overhead and heavy smoke rising in the distance. The sound grew louder, more aggressive, horrible. A bombshell landed on my neighbour’s house. Armed conflict had erupted between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing. 
Seeking some sense of security, my niece, 6-year-old grandnephew and I made it to the family home. There, all huddled together in the living room, we lived through the most harrowing 6 days and nights of our lives, with constant bombing and shells dropping nearby. The electricity was cut off and our food and water also ran very low. A bullet missed one of us by mere inches and left a hole in the kitchen wall. These were days of terror and nights of restless sleeplessness. 
This was the house where my siblings and I had all grown up, been married and had families. It was also where our
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