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KJP roasted for comparing debt ceiling debate to monthly car payment: ‘So how about student loans?’

Social media users criticized and mocked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s comparison of raising the debt ceiling to monthly car payments to relate to the American people.

During Monday’s press conference, Jean-Pierre was questioned on the upcoming meeting between President Biden and congressional leaders regarding a debt ceiling raise and potential spending cuts. 

One reporter questioned Jean-Pierre whether the Tuesday meeting is expected to “move the ball” on discussion considering both Biden and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy have not shown any indication of compromising their positions. Jean-Pierre used the question to attempt to explain the situation to American families.

“I want to step back for a second, and I really appreciate the question, but let’s look at this for the American people who are trying to figure out, who may not know what is it that we’re talking about. So, look, let’s look at it through the American families’ eyes for a second. If you buy a car, you are expected to pay the monthly payments,” Jean-Pierre answered.


She continued, “If you buy a home, you are to pay the mortgage every month. That is the expectation. That is the spending that you put forth or spending that you may have done before. And now you’re playing every month. If you do not pay your car payment, if you do not pay your mortgage payment, then your credit is going to be bad. It’s going to hurt your credit.”

Twitter users mocked the comparison with some pointing out that the same argument could be used to criticize the administration’s student loan position.

“So, how about student loans?” National Review contributor Pradheep Shanker joked.

Fox News contributor Joe Concha similarly commented, “How about graduate students who take out student loans?”

Conservative commentator AGHamilton tweeted, “A lot of people making the point about the admin taking the opposite position on student loans, but the bigger issue here is that if you spend outside your means, it is perfectly reasonable/necessary to also adjust your future spending plan while trying to pay off past debt.”

Grabien Media founder Tom Elliot joked, “’Sorry, Chevy, even though I can afford the monthly payments, I’m obviously not going to make them unless Visa issues me a new card to afford new TVs I had already planned to buy.’ – @PressSec.”

“She equates it with making a monthly house payment a better analogy for the debt ceiling would be if you bought a mansion every 24 hours and just expected the bank to keep loaning you money for more houses,” Conservative write Doug Powers explained.

“It’s time for Biden and the Senate to act on the House GOP plan to responsibly address the debt ceiling, instead of making more false claims. Our fiscal crisis is a result of DC’s spending… NOT tax cuts that grew the economy to increase tax revenue,” Montana Rep. Matt Rosendale, R., wrote.


During her answers, Jean-Pierre also criticized Congress’ actions involving hesitation to raise the debt ceiling without spending cuts.

“So let’s look at Congress for a second. This is spending that they’ve already done. They’ve already spent. Let’s not forget the $2 trillion Trump tax cut that they were willing and happy to vote for. So we’re telling them or saying to them, do your job, pay for something that you’ve already spent on. That’s it. This is spending that has already occurred,” she insisted.


Jean-Pierre concluded, “They need to do the right thing. That has been done 78 times since 1960. It’s that simple. It is very, very simple. It is the right thing to do. It is their constitutional duty. It is not complicated at all. And so the question is really to Speaker McCarthy, why did you bring us here? Why are you manufacturing a crisis that should not exist? That is the question for him to answer again.”

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