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Kirk Cameron calls wokeism and trans agenda ‘a corrupt cult’: ‘Parents need to rescue their kids’

Speaking on Tuesday evening to Jesse Watters of Fox News Channel’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” actor and writer Kirk Cameron offered pointed commentary about transgender activist Rose Montoya, who went topless on the White House South Lawn this past weekend in Washington, D.C., during a “Pride Month” celebration — and about a culture that appears to accept and even encourage this activity, including in front of America’s young children.

Montoya is a biological male who is transgender — and who defended the actions at the White House on Saturday. Several GOP lawmakers, however, blasted President Biden after the transgender activist and other attendees partially disrobed during the event.

Now the White House has banned the activist from the White House grounds after the incident — with the administration condemning the incident as “inappropriate and disrespectful.”


Said Cameron of the events on the South Lawn, “This is the kind of the immorality and disrespect that characterizes this sad and confused group of people.”

And “dragging kids into this evil morass is criminal,” added Cameron. 

The actor and producer — a husband and father of six children — has been traveling to public libraries across the country for the last six months, delivering pro-faith, pro-family and pro-country messages during his story-time book events for parents and kids. 

At many of his events, he and his fellow guests say a prayer, recite the “Pledge of Allegiance” and sing the national anthem before the book readings.

“A little lesson from history,” added Cameron on Tuesday night. “Joe Biden raised the pride flag in violation of U.S. flag protocol.”

In contrast, noted Cameron, “George Washington raised the humility flag during his presidency, as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in 1775. He raised the flag of humility with the phrase, ‘an appeal to heaven.’”

Said Cameron, “And if we want to get America out of this mess and back on track, we’ve got to replace pride — which is all about ‘me’ — with humility, which is about God and one another.”

Cameron added that this is why he’s been writing children’s books. His latest is “Pride Comes Before the Fall,” on the heels of “As You Grow,” both published by Brave Books.

Said Cameron of his newest book’s title, “This is actually quoting a scripture verse, ‘Pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. It’s better to be humble, with the lowly than to share plunder with the proud.'”

He added, “Kids need to know that pride is the pregnant mother who gives birth to all forms of evil … Humility is about others. And that’s where their blessing is.”

Responded Watters, “You mean pregnant person, Kirk!”

Said Cameron, “I don’t adopt the lexicon — I’m going to stick with reality.”

Watters commented of today’s trans agenda, “Why is this the new religion in America?”


Cameron said, “Not only that, the public schools have become their church, where our children are daily indoctrinated and parents are dogmatically commanded to sacrifice their little hearts and minds on the altar of wokeism — while we bring our tithes and offerings in the form of taxes.”

Said Cameron, “Parents need to rescue their kids from this corrupt cult before their progressive priests circumcise them or go all the way and castrate them through a gender transition surgery.”

That’s “why it’s so important,” he added, to “teach kids good values.”

Cameron said that what the transgender activist did at the White House is not brave at all — in contrast to the words of the president, who characterized it as such. 

“That’s an abomination,” said Cameron, and a “disservice and disrespectful to the brave men and women [who fought] on the beaches of Normandy,” he added, including his own grandfather — who was a Navy corpsman during World War II, he said.

“Bravery is a call to courage to do the right thing, not to violate morality and undermine the very foundations of America,” he said.

“I think we’ve confused freedom with liberty,” Cameron also said.


“I think we’ve confused freedom with liberty. Freedom has taken on this idea that I can flash my ‘moobs’ and do whatever I want. Liberty to our Founding Fathers was the freedom to do ‘what I ought’ — to do what’s right in the eyes of God and that’s going to be a blessing to you and your children.”

Added Cameron, “We need to get back to liberty and get rid of this license called freedom.”

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