Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

INTERVIEW: Italy’s Eni looks to sell LNG in Southeast Asia, may introduce US LNG into portfolio

Italy’s Eni is looking to sell LNG into Southeast Asia to tap new emerging buyers and it may also consider introducing more US LNG into its portfolio to diversify its volumes, Cristian Signoretto, deputy chief operating officer natural resources and director global gas & LNG portfolio, told S&P Global Commodity Insights in an interview. There is a lot of potential… Italy’s Eni is looking to sell LNG into Southeast Asia to tap new emerging buyers and it may also consider introducing more US LNG into its portfolio to diversify its volumes, Cristian Signoretto, deputy chief operating officer natural resources and director global gas & LNG portfolio, told S&P Global Commodity Insights in an interview. There is a lot of potential… Read More 

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