Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

INTERVIEW: Australia strikes may not substantially curb LNG output even if it escalates: Woodside CEO

The looming industrial action at Chevron’s Gorgon and Wheatstone LNG facilities in Australia starting Sept. 7 “will not substantially curtail production” even if it escalates further, Woodside Energy CEO Meg O’Neill said Sept. 5. Woodside has a 13% stake in the 8.9 million mt/year Wheatstone project operated by Chevron. Together with the Chevron-operated 15.6 million mt/year Gorgon project, it makes… The looming industrial action at Chevron’s Gorgon and Wheatstone LNG facilities in Australia starting Sept. 7 “will not substantially curtail production” even if it escalates further, Woodside Energy CEO Meg O’Neill said Sept. 5. Woodside has a 13% stake in the 8.9 million mt/year Wheatstone project operated by Chevron. Together with the Chevron-operated 15.6 million mt/year Gorgon project, it makes… Read More 

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