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Gwyneth Paltrow revealed rectal ozone therapy is the weirdest wellness trend she’s tried

Gwyneth Paltrow isn’t a stranger to “weird” wellness trends.

Paltrow, 50, revealed in a new podcast interview that she’s used “ozone therapy,” but “rectally.”

“I have used ozone therapy, rectally. Can I say that? It’s pretty weird,” she said during an episode of “The Art of Being Well.” “It’s pretty weird, yeah. But it’s been very helpful.”

The process increases oxygen levels in your body, according to Health Line.

“According to research from 2018, when ozone comes into contact with body fluids, the resulting reactions form more proteins and red blood cells,” the website read.

Besides weird wellness trends, the “Shakespeare in Love” actress has also taken foods out of her diet – including sugar.

“What I gave up was dairy, gluten, sugar… a lot of processed foods,” she revealed before noting that she didn’t strictly follow the diet while pregnant with Apple between 2003 and 2004.


“All I wanted was grilled cheese sandwiches and yogurt,” Paltrow admitted.

Paltrow’s health journey began after her dad was diagnosed with cancer in 1999. He had been set to begin directing the actress in “Duet” when the throat cancer was discovered.

“I didn’t think about [wellness] a lot until my father was diagnosed with cancer. I started realizing there had to be a connection through what we were eating and what we were being exposed to,” Paltrow explained. 

“And how that was being expressed through disease. And that’s when I started researching whatever I could. Talking to people. Understanding the links between environmental toxins, cancer… what led to the creation of disease in our culture.”


The “Avengers” star questioned why the world is filled with all kinds of disease when we have “autonomy” over what we put in our bodies.

“Why do we have so much obesity, depression, type two diabetes?” she continued. “We all have so much agency, we have autonomy over our bodies. What we put into our bodies… when we have a certain degree of mastery of ourselves, we can really start to change our lives and feel really good.”

Paltrow took a step back from acting in 2008 after she created her health and wellness brand Goop.

Paltrow was born in Los Angeles to producer and director Bruce Paltrow and Tony Award-winning actress Blythe Danner. She launched her acting career with a small part in “Shout” and her performance in “Emma” landed her the role in “Shakespeare in Love.”

The actress is also known for “Sliding Doors” and “Iron Man 3.”

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