Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

Germany’s DET awarded permit for continued operations at Brunsbuttel FSRU

German LNG terminal operator Deutsche Energy Terminal has been granted provisional approval to continue to operate the floating LNG import facility at Brunsbuttel at its current location, it said Feb. 16. The Hoegh Gannet was the third FSRU to become operational in Germany in March last year and has sent out a total of 1.5 Bcm of gas since it… German LNG terminal operator Deutsche Energy Terminal has been granted provisional approval to continue to operate the floating LNG import facility at Brunsbuttel at its current location, it said Feb. 16. The Hoegh Gannet was the third FSRU to become operational in Germany in March last year and has sent out a total of 1.5 Bcm of gas since it… Read More 

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