Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

FUJAIRAH DATA: Oil product stocks climb as Al-Zour refinery raises production

Stockpiles of oil products at the UAE’s Port of Fujairah rose 5.9% in the week ended Feb. 5 after the first fuel oil import from Kuwait in 2024, according to the Fujairah Oil Industry Zone and shipping data. The total rose to 18.755 million barrels as of Feb. 5, up from a five-week low a week earlier, the FOIZ data…Stockpiles of oil products at the UAE’s Port of Fujairah rose 5.9% in the week ended Feb. 5 after the first fuel oil import from Kuwait in 2024, according to the Fujairah Oil Industry Zone and shipping data. The total rose to 18.755 million barrels as of Feb. 5, up from a five-week low a week earlier, the FOIZ data…  Read More 

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