Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

FEATURE: European ethylene derivative producers mothball plants on untenable margins

European ethylene derivative producers have started to mothball plants to manage regional oversupply, a weak market and wafer-thin or negative margins, while enabling the industry to manage rising electrochemical unit and feedstock costs. The pessimistic mood in the market was cemented in the third quarter as oil prices jumped towards the $100/b mark amid OPEC production cuts, pushing upstream naphtha…European ethylene derivative producers have started to mothball plants to manage regional oversupply, a weak market and wafer-thin or negative margins, while enabling the industry to manage rising electrochemical unit and feedstock costs. The pessimistic mood in the market was cemented in the third quarter as oil prices jumped towards the $100/b mark amid OPEC production cuts, pushing upstream naphtha…  Read More 

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