Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

EU steel decarbonization may outstrip iron ore pellet supply, encourage innovation

The scale of new European steel projects focused on bringing on more than 20 million mt of direct-reduced iron capacity using natural gas and hydrogen by 2030 may pressure available iron ore pellet supplies, spurring further innovations while potentially delaying a wider rollout of lower-emission steel. New DRI and electric arc furnaces that ArcelorMittal, Salzgitter, Voestalpine, and others planned in… The scale of new European steel projects focused on bringing on more than 20 million mt of direct-reduced iron capacity using natural gas and hydrogen by 2030 may pressure available iron ore pellet supplies, spurring further innovations while potentially delaying a wider rollout of lower-emission steel. New DRI and electric arc furnaces that ArcelorMittal, Salzgitter, Voestalpine, and others planned in… Read More 

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