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Enhancing health security: strengthening readiness for mass gatherings

Mass gatherings, while a source of joy and unity, can also put a strain on health systems and resources. When tens of thousands of people gather for an event, it can create an ideal environment for the spread of diseases – and even disease outbreaks.

The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean is launching a comprehensive framework to stress the significance of proactive preparedness and readiness for mass gatherings, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. The framework, which is set out in “Strengthening public health readiness for mass gathering events in the Eastern Mediterranean Region”, is endorsed by the 70th session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean.

Mass gatherings in the Region range from religious pilgrimages such as Hajj, Umrah and Arba’een to mega sports and other events such as the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, Expo 2020 Dubai and the United Nations Climate Change Conferences (COP27 and COP28).

Despite the challenges and risks of mass gatherings, these events also present opportunities for long-term benefits. These may include the development of stronger public health systems and greater awareness of disease prevention among residents and visitors.

Strengthening public health readiness for mass gathering events in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Public health risks of mass gatherings

Mass gatherings may be well-planned events or spontaneous gatherings of people – both of which can have a huge impact on public health.

Important planned events include Hajj and Umrah, which bring about 10 million people from 182 countries to Saudi Arabia every year. Such gatherings show devotion and

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Mass gatherings, while a source of joy and unity, can also put a strain on health systems and resources. When tens of thousands of people gather for an event, it can create an ideal environment for the spread of diseases – and even disease outbreaks.
The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean is launching a comprehensive framework to stress the significance of proactive preparedness and readiness for mass gatherings, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. The framework, which is set out in “Strengthening public health readiness for mass gathering events in the Eastern Mediterranean Region”, is endorsed by the 70th session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean.
Mass gatherings in the Region range from religious pilgrimages such as Hajj, Umrah and Arba’een to mega sports and other events such as the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, Expo 2020 Dubai and the United Nations Climate Change Conferences (COP27 and COP28).
Despite the challenges and risks of mass gatherings, these events also present opportunities for long-term benefits. These may include the development of stronger public health systems and greater awareness of disease prevention among residents and visitors.
Strengthening public health readiness for mass gathering events in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Public health risks of mass gatherings
Mass gatherings may be well-planned events or spontaneous gatherings of people – both of which can have a huge impact on public health.
Important planned events include Hajj and Umrah, which bring about 10 million people from 182 countries to Saudi Arabia every year. Such gatherings show devotion and
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