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Deciphering the ultra-high plasticity in metal monochalcogenides

Nature Materials, Published online: 08 January 2024; doi:10.1038/s41563-023-01788-7

The metal monochalcogenides are a group of van der Waals layered semiconductors with ultra-high plasticity. It is now revealed that their plasticity is attributed to the ability to transform their stacking order or phases, coupled with the concurrent generation of a micro-crack network.Nature Materials, Published online: 08 January 2024; doi:10.1038/s41563-023-01788-7The metal monochalcogenides are a group of van der Waals layered semiconductors with ultra-high plasticity. It is now revealed that their plasticity is attributed to the ability to transform their stacking order or phases, coupled with the concurrent generation of a micro-crack network. Read More 

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