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COP28: China ‘misunderstood’ on methane emissions: climate envoy

China has made significant efforts to cut its methane emissions and is looking to help developing nations do the same, Xie Zhenhua, China’s Special Climate Envoy, said Dec. 4 at the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai. Xie said China did not get the recognition it deserved for cutting methane, a powerful climate pollutant more than 80 times more potent… China has made significant efforts to cut its methane emissions and is looking to help developing nations do the same, Xie Zhenhua, China’s Special Climate Envoy, said Dec. 4 at the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai. Xie said China did not get the recognition it deserved for cutting methane, a powerful climate pollutant more than 80 times more potent… Read More 

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