Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

Chicago spot gas trades below $2 as balmy weather weighs on Midwest market

Midcontinent spot gas prices were under pressure in recent trading amid mild weather and flagging demand as upward trending temperatures promise more of the same until mid-month. Since late January, gas prices at the Chicago city-gate have tumbled, recently trading down to a six-week low at under $1.70/MMBtu. Over the past two weeks, prices there have averaged just $1.99, or… Midcontinent spot gas prices were under pressure in recent trading amid mild weather and flagging demand as upward trending temperatures promise more of the same until mid-month. Since late January, gas prices at the Chicago city-gate have tumbled, recently trading down to a six-week low at under $1.70/MMBtu. Over the past two weeks, prices there have averaged just $1.99, or… Read More 

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