Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

CERAWEEK: Some industry members are not deterred by hydrogen’s ‘green premium’

Federal government and private sector stakeholders must move quickly to design a process to ramp up demand for hydrogen before the fiscal year ends Sept. 30, experts said March 19at the CERAWeek energy conference by S&P Global in Houston. During a panel discussion entitled “From Hubs to Demand Support: Catalyzing the American hydrogen market,” David Crane, US Department of Energy… Federal government and private sector stakeholders must move quickly to design a process to ramp up demand for hydrogen before the fiscal year ends Sept. 30, experts said March 19at the CERAWeek energy conference by S&P Global in Houston. During a panel discussion entitled “From Hubs to Demand Support: Catalyzing the American hydrogen market,” David Crane, US Department of Energy… Read More 

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