Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

CERAWEEK: Next Mexican president could encourage oil and gas development: Harbour Energy

Mexico could revise its energy policies to encourage an increase in oil and gas production following the June 2 presidential election, Harbour Energy executive vice president Gustavo Baquero said March 19. “Every country has a different risk, and that picture is moving,” Baquero said at the CERAWeek by S&P Global conference. “In the case of Mexico, I’m still optimistic.” Under… Mexico could revise its energy policies to encourage an increase in oil and gas production following the June 2 presidential election, Harbour Energy executive vice president Gustavo Baquero said March 19. “Every country has a different risk, and that picture is moving,” Baquero said at the CERAWeek by S&P Global conference. “In the case of Mexico, I’m still optimistic.” Under… Read More 

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