Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

CERAWEEK FACTBOX: Challenges seen in supply, demand and transition

Energy demand growth is, to a large extent, a technology-driven affair, with uptake of artificial intelligence and rollout of power-hungry data centers leading the way, speakers at CERAWeek by S&P Global in Houston said March 19. There’s a large role for fossil fuels, even in the midst of a nuclear comeback and renewable energy deployment. Steering progress are energy policy… Energy demand growth is, to a large extent, a technology-driven affair, with uptake of artificial intelligence and rollout of power-hungry data centers leading the way, speakers at CERAWeek by S&P Global in Houston said March 19. There’s a large role for fossil fuels, even in the midst of a nuclear comeback and renewable energy deployment. Steering progress are energy policy… Read More 

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