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Call for nominations to serve on the WHO regional Youth Council

23 August 2023 – Young people are tomorrow’s leaders and today’s agents of change. WHO believes that young people’s voices should be at the heart of decisions that impact the health of people around the world. The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean is thus looking to collaborate with youth organizations and establish a regional Youth Council to scale up the contribution of youth in efforts to promote public health in the Region and create a comprehensive and inclusive WHO youth engagement strategy.

The regional Youth Council will serve as a dynamic network for stakeholders to amplify the voices and experiences of young people, and harness and expand their expertise, energy and ideas to promote public health. Your organization’s ideas, experiences and expertise will support WHO in its efforts to strengthen youth contributions to public health systems, which will enable our Member States to meaningfully engage young people as key drivers in policy-making processes.

Read our terms of reference.

The WHO regional Youth Council will:

be inclusive and diverse in membership and structure, ensuring gender balance and adequate representation from different stakeholder groups, geographical regions and income levels;

be transparent in all processes, including operational strategy and activities;

ensure that all activities align with WHO’s norms and standards; and

facilitate coordination among interested parties to advance WHO’s priorities on the contribution of youth to the public health agenda.

WHO is looking to collaborate with:

intergovernmental organizations

nongovernmental organizations (including patient organizations)

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23 August 2023 – Young people are tomorrow’s leaders and today’s agents of change. WHO believes that young people’s voices should be at the heart of decisions that impact the health of people around the world. The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean is thus looking to collaborate with youth organizations and establish a regional Youth Council to scale up the contribution of youth in efforts to promote public health in the Region and create a comprehensive and inclusive WHO youth engagement strategy.
The regional Youth Council will serve as a dynamic network for stakeholders to amplify the voices and experiences of young people, and harness and expand their expertise, energy and ideas to promote public health. Your organization’s ideas, experiences and expertise will support WHO in its efforts to strengthen youth contributions to public health systems, which will enable our Member States to meaningfully engage young people as key drivers in policy-making processes.
Read our terms of reference.
The WHO regional Youth Council will:
be inclusive and diverse in membership and structure, ensuring gender balance and adequate representation from different stakeholder groups, geographical regions and income levels;
be transparent in all processes, including operational strategy and activities;
ensure that all activities align with WHO’s norms and standards; and
facilitate coordination among interested parties to advance WHO’s priorities on the contribution of youth to the public health agenda.
WHO is looking to collaborate with:
intergovernmental organizations
nongovernmental organizations (including patient organizations)
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