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Bitcoin profitability in the Nordics rebounds as weather turns milder

Bitcoin mining profitability rates rebounded in the Nordic countries as the weather turned milder, resulting in bearish day-ahead power prices, S&P Global Commodity Insights Renewable Bitcoin Quarq Spread Index data showed. The Norway NO4 region saw bitcoin mining profitability flip to in-the-money of Eur24.48/MWh Dec. 7 from Eur31.96/MWh out-of-the-money Dec. 6, while Sweden SE1 saw a rebound to only Eur2.53/MWh… Bitcoin mining profitability rates rebounded in the Nordic countries as the weather turned milder, resulting in bearish day-ahead power prices, S&P Global Commodity Insights Renewable Bitcoin Quarq Spread Index data showed. The Norway NO4 region saw bitcoin mining profitability flip to in-the-money of Eur24.48/MWh Dec. 7 from Eur31.96/MWh out-of-the-money Dec. 6, while Sweden SE1 saw a rebound to only Eur2.53/MWh… Read More 

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