Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

Asian tanker freights expected to recover on geopolitical disruptions, seasonal uptick

The clean and dirty tankers’ freight are likely to see some recovery in the October-December quarter on winter demand and geopolitical disruptions after the recent decline due to seasonal refinery maintenances, market participants said. Brokers estimated daily VLCC spot earnings for scrubber-fitted ships around $30,000 Oct. 9 on the Persian Gulf-North Asia routes, down from over $35,000 on July 1…. The clean and dirty tankers’ freight are likely to see some recovery in the October-December quarter on winter demand and geopolitical disruptions after the recent decline due to seasonal refinery maintenances, market participants said. Brokers estimated daily VLCC spot earnings for scrubber-fitted ships around $30,000 Oct. 9 on the Persian Gulf-North Asia routes, down from over $35,000 on July 1…. Read More 

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