Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

Argentina eyes supplying regional gas market 75 million cu m/d: executive

Argentina has potential to increase natural gas exports to its neighboring countries to up to 75 million cu m/d from Vaca Muerta, once it expands takeaway capacity from the shale play and connects local pipelines with cross-border systems, Marcos Bulgheroni, CEO of BP-backed Pan American Energy, said Nov. 1. It should take two years for these connections to be made,… Argentina has potential to increase natural gas exports to its neighboring countries to up to 75 million cu m/d from Vaca Muerta, once it expands takeaway capacity from the shale play and connects local pipelines with cross-border systems, Marcos Bulgheroni, CEO of BP-backed Pan American Energy, said Nov. 1. It should take two years for these connections to be made,… Read More 

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