
179 new cases of coronavirus in Iran within 24 hours

Daily Deaths : 4

Coronavirus statistics in Iran. Today, June 15, 2022 , according to a statement by the Iranian Ministry of Health


1- Number of daily Deaths : 4
2- Number of daily Cases : 179

3- Number of critical Cases : 332

4- Total number of Deaths : 141,357

5- Total number of Cases: 7,234,221

6- Total number of Recovered cases: 7,059,738

7- Total number of Tests: 52,473,502

8- Number of people who received a single dose of vaccines: 64,594,413

9- Number of people who received two doses of vaccines: 57,930,351

10- The number of those who received three doses of vaccines: 27,648,453

11- Total number of doses: 150,173,217

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