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Statement by Principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee: After 4 months of war, …

15 August 2023, NEW YORK/GENEVA/ROME – For 4 gruesome months, the people of Sudan have been engulfed in a war that is destroying their lives and their homeland, and violating their basic human rights.

People have witnessed their loved ones gunned down. Women and girls have been sexually assaulted.

Families have seen their possessions looted and their homes burnt to the ground. People are dying because they cannot access health care services and medicine.

And now, because of the war, Sudan’s children are wasting away for lack of food and nutrition.

Each day the fighting continues, the Sudanese are being robbed of the peace they cherish, the lives they are entitled to, and the future they deserve.


After 4 months of terror, global leaders of humanitarian organizations working in Sudan have 3 messages to share:

To the people of Sudan: The international humanitarian community remains committed to supporting you, especially through the work of your local responders, who have been at the forefront to provide food, seeds, water, shelter, health, nutrition, education, medical care and protection to those in need since Day One. We will continue to push for access to all people and in all areas of Sudan to bring humanitarian supplies and essential services.

To parties to the conflict: End the fighting. Protect civilians. Grant us safe and unfettered access. Remove bureaucratic impediments. Attacking civilians, looting humanitarian supplies, targeting aid workers, civilian assets and infrastructure, including health centers and hospitals, and blocking humanitarian assistance –

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15 August 2023, NEW YORK/GENEVA/ROME – For 4 gruesome months, the people of Sudan have been engulfed in a war that is destroying their lives and their homeland, and violating their basic human rights.
People have witnessed their loved ones gunned down. Women and girls have been sexually assaulted.
Families have seen their possessions looted and their homes burnt to the ground. People are dying because they cannot access health care services and medicine.
And now, because of the war, Sudan’s children are wasting away for lack of food and nutrition.
Each day the fighting continues, the Sudanese are being robbed of the peace they cherish, the lives they are entitled to, and the future they deserve.
After 4 months of terror, global leaders of humanitarian organizations working in Sudan have 3 messages to share:
To the people of Sudan: The international humanitarian community remains committed to supporting you, especially through the work of your local responders, who have been at the forefront to provide food, seeds, water, shelter, health, nutrition, education, medical care and protection to those in need since Day One. We will continue to push for access to all people and in all areas of Sudan to bring humanitarian supplies and essential services.
To parties to the conflict: End the fighting. Protect civilians. Grant us safe and unfettered access. Remove bureaucratic impediments. Attacking civilians, looting humanitarian supplies, targeting aid workers, civilian assets and infrastructure, including health centers and hospitals, and blocking humanitarian assistance –
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