EarthquakesWorld NEWS

Monitoring Change at the Lower Darby Creek Area Superfund Site

Partnering with the EPA, FAA, and the FWS, USGS scientists conducted the first of a series of small uncrewed aircraft system data collections documenting the changes in the Lower Darby Creek Area Superfund Site. This is a subset of a larger ongoing project lead by the EPA to remediate contaminated areas and monitor changes throughout the Lower Darby Creek Area Superfund Site.

Partnering with the EPA, FAA, and the FWS, USGS scientists conducted the first of a series of small uncrewed aircraft system data collections documenting the changes in the Lower Darby Creek Area Superfund Site. This is a subset of a larger ongoing project lead by the EPA to remediate contaminated areas and monitor changes throughout the Lower Darby Creek Area Superfund Site. Read More

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