Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

Interactive: Russian gas market share in Europe on the wane as LNG, Norway step up

Before skyrocketing gas prices encouraged Norwegian supply and LNG imports, Russia had been the largest single source of gas supply for Europe. However, it was Russia’s invasion of Ukraine —followed by Gazprom reducing and then halting deliveries to Germany via Nord Stream— that signaled a tipping point in Europe’s gas supply . The following interactive chart illustrates the fast-changing paradigm… Before skyrocketing gas prices encouraged Norwegian supply and LNG imports, Russia had been the largest single source of gas supply for Europe. However, it was Russia’s invasion of Ukraine —followed by Gazprom reducing and then halting deliveries to Germany via Nord Stream— that signaled a tipping point in Europe’s gas supply . The following interactive chart illustrates the fast-changing paradigm… Read More 

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