Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

European bio-propane demand falters under margin ‘squeeze,’ lack of regulation

Weakening demand from the petrochemical sector, as well as a lack of subsidies for bio-propane across Europe, has turned prices bearish for the bio-product, sources said. Platts, part of S&P Global Commodity Insights, assessed FCA NWE bio-propane $42/mt lower on the day Aug. 31 to $2,495.75/mt and its premium to fossil-fuel propane was $50/mt lower on the day, but still…Weakening demand from the petrochemical sector, as well as a lack of subsidies for bio-propane across Europe, has turned prices bearish for the bio-product, sources said. Platts, part of S&P Global Commodity Insights, assessed FCA NWE bio-propane $42/mt lower on the day Aug. 31 to $2,495.75/mt and its premium to fossil-fuel propane was $50/mt lower on the day, but still…  Read More 

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