Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

Brazil’s Petrobras submits plans, requests licenses to build 10 offshore wind farms with IBAMA

Brazilian state-led oil company Petrobras plans to build 10 offshore wind farms in a move that will turn the country’s biggest oil and natural gas producer into the largest developer of offshore wind power in Latin America’s top economy, according to the company. The plans and requests for permits were submitted to federal environment regulator IBAMA, Petrobras said Sept. 13…. Brazilian state-led oil company Petrobras plans to build 10 offshore wind farms in a move that will turn the country’s biggest oil and natural gas producer into the largest developer of offshore wind power in Latin America’s top economy, according to the company. The plans and requests for permits were submitted to federal environment regulator IBAMA, Petrobras said Sept. 13…. Read More 

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