Oil , Gas and EnergyWorld NEWS

Australia expands auction plan aiming for 32 GW new renewables, storage

Australia will expand its Capacity Investment Scheme, or CIS, to introduce 32 GW of new renewable power and storage, Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen said in a statement Nov. 23, as the nation prepares to reach a targeted 82% renewable energy in the grid by 2030. The CIS, launched in December 2022, is a framework to drive new… Australia will expand its Capacity Investment Scheme, or CIS, to introduce 32 GW of new renewable power and storage, Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen said in a statement Nov. 23, as the nation prepares to reach a targeted 82% renewable energy in the grid by 2030. The CIS, launched in December 2022, is a framework to drive new… Read More 

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